DHHB(Diethylamino Hydroxybenzoyl Hexyl Benzoate)

CAS No. 302776-68-7

Molecular Formula: C24H31NO4

Other Synonyms: UVA DHHB

Pacakging: 25kg/drum

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Diethylamino Hydroxybenzoyl Hexyl Benzoate (DHHB) ( 302776-68-7)serves as a superior alternative to Avobenzone for UVA protection, offering enhanced photostability and cost-efficiency. DHHB eliminates the need for additional compounds like Sunsafe-MBC and Sunsafe-OMC, making it a more cost-effective and efficient choice.

DHHB boasts exceptional photostability, maintaining its effectiveness over extended periods. This sunscreen agent effectively shields against the entire UVA spectrum, ranging from 320 to 400 nm, with its peak absorption occurring at 354 nm. Consequently, DHHB provides UVA protection equivalent to the leading sunscreen, Avobenzone. However, DHHB’s resistance to solar degradation surpasses that of Avobenzone, which tends to rapidly lose its UV-absorbing capacity when exposed to sunlight. This means that, unlike Avobenzone, DHHB does not necessitate the addition of other UV absorbers as light stabilizers in your formulation, thereby addressing the issue of Avobenzone’s degradation in the sun.



White slightly.powder

Specific absorption


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